Workshop – Hobart 9-10 February 2017: National Travelling Exhibitions

The AMMC Regional Workshop Program is now available here.

The workshop will be covering various aspects of exhibition development including labeling, design and object display, with practical sessions where we will jointly work up content for an exhibition that will then be produced and tour nationally.

We look forward to connecting with you to work together to create touring exhibitions and, in the process, get to know each other, discuss and share tips and tricks for creating an exhibition.

 And don’t miss our special guest speaker…

This year we are honoured to have Dr Wendy van Duivenvoorde as our guest speaker at the AMMC dinner (dinner is a Workshop optional extra to be held at Hadleys Hotel, you can book your tickets here

Dr van Duivenvoorde is a senior lecturer at Flinders University and deputy director of the Australian Consortium of Humanities Research Centre.  She will talk to us on the subject of Dutch exploration of Australia, a theme of this year’s AWBF. She is an acclaimed speaker, her subject matter is fascinating. It will be a very interesting evening!


Paynesville Maritime Museum


It's time to register for the 2015 AMMC National Conference in Goolwa, SA : 18-20 February