It's time to register for the 2015 AMMC National Conference in Goolwa, SA : 18-20 February

If there is one New Year resolution you make and keep for 2015, be sure it's to REGISTER for the 2015 AMMC National Conference

It's in Goolwa, SA, where the River Murray meets the sea. This historic town will not only host the AMMC Conference from Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 February, but is also the venue for the biennial SA Wooden Boat Festival – a must-see boating event.

Fortunately for AMMC Conference delegates, the Wooden Boat Festival follows immediately after the Conference on Saturday/Sunday 21-22 February, so it's easy to share in both events.

All you need to know is in the Conference brochure which you can download at:

You can also REGISTER ONLINE using the same link:

We hope you will join us in Goolwa for an interesting and entertaining time from 18 February 2015.


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